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Muhammad     the World-Changer

muhammad the world-changer, mohamad jebara, prophet Muhammad biography, prophet muhammad life, prophet muhammad

An Intimate Portrait

Mohamad Jebara's "Muhammad the World-Changer" is a unique historical book that offers a fresh perspective on the life of the Prophet Muhammad. This book covers a wide range of topics, including his life and teachings, and provides readers with a deeper understanding of this seminal historical figure. The writing style is engaging and relatable, making it a great read for anyone interested in learning more about the life of the Prophet. Whether you're a history buff or simply looking for a thought-provoking read, Muhammad the World-Changer is a must-have addition to your bookshelf.  This book is an essential read for anyone interested in exploring the roots of Islam and how it has shaped the world we live in today. The book captures the essence of prophet Muhammad's life and teachings in a unique and accessible way. Whether you're new to the topic or an experienced scholar, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the life and legacy of this world-changing figure.

Mohamad_jebara_cosmos club.png

Mohamad Jebara Speaking About Muhammad the World-Changer at the Prestigious Cosmos Club

(June 15th 2023)

Snippets & Nuggets

"I have lived with Muhammad my entire life: I was given his name the day I was born, yet for years knew nothing about him...One Saturday I flipped to the French-language TV station, which ran a regular cartoon series depicting historical figures. The episode that morning featured a wild character named Mahomet who looked like a pirate. He wielded a sword and killed people in battles. I had no idea this was my namesake until I later found a 1952 edition of Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia. The tome’s “Islam” section included an image of a bearded man carrying a sword and a book. In the background was a black cube set amid evergreen trees (the Ka‘bah in Scotland!?) surrounded by men with sabers aloft. Above it a caption read: “Mohammed, founder of Is- lam, with the sword and the Koran, symbols of his faith.” Could this be the man I was named after? This disturbing image could not be accurate, but I lacked access to any other description aside from elders in my community praising Muhammad to punctuate their Arabic conversations....Still, there were two clashing messages: the people of my Muslim culture revered Muhammad as a model of absolute perfection, and my Western popular culture presented him as a wild warrior. I had to resolve the contradiction."


Introduction, Muhammad the World-Changer, p. 4

"Jahiliyyah is not an epoch but a mindset—and willful stagnation can occur among any people. After stagnating in the Dark Ages for centuries, Europeans finally realized that the Muslims—long dismissed as heathens—had actually preserved classical European wisdom. Once the Europeans opened their minds to reclaim that heritage, they embarked on the Renaissance. Muslims can benefit from a similar perspective. Western knowledge is not heretical but rather has preserved and built upon Muhammad’s core values. Each time we use our cell phones, snap pictures with a camera, or use a search engine’s algorithms, we benefit from the legacy of Muhammad’s modern mindset. His mindset is not tied to Mecca or Medina, for as the Golden Age political philosopher Al-Farabi observed, “Medina is not a location but the manner in which a community comes together.” Indeed, people of any culture or race can establish a “place of flowing change.” As Muhammad declared in the final days of his life, “My progeny are those who uphold my legacy!” On the day he was born, Muhammad was given a unique name—and with it a mission to model positive behavior to inspire others. The great inventors of the Golden Age sought to emulate his success by applying his mindset of blossoming to their own circumstances. Each manifested his methodology in trailblazing innovations that not only reflected their individuality but also transformed the world—precisely the lifetime goal Muhammad’s mother had articulated for her son on her deathbed. Indeed, Aminah’s inspiring last words reverberate beyond six-year- old Muhammad to reach people of all backgrounds across the genera- tions: strive to be a world-changer in your own unique way."


Epilogue, Muhammad the World-Changer, p. 317

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